Monday, November 11, 2019

What is a Theological Cult?

  Let us define “theological”.
Theo = religion based.
Logical = Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Therefore: theological would be religion based reasoning

Let us define ”cult”.
It is an egalitarian exclusionary organization which seeks to control its members in all aspects of their lives. The word is a derivative of the word culture which indicates a specific group. If you take the letters ure off the word culture what you have left is cult.
An additional definition is any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian ecclesiasticl leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person or persons at the top. The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their members.
Therefore a theological cult would be a religion based egalitarian exclusionary organization.

This definition covers cults within all major world religions, along with those cults which have no OBVIOUS religious base such as commercial, educational and psychological cults. Others may define these a little differently, but this is the simplest to work from.
In order to gain control over your mind the cult must reform your thinking to fit it’s own pattern for control
Let us look at the word reform. Re= do it over. Form= to shape something. So to reform would be to shape something in a different manner.
A cult is an intellectual and emotional prison from which there are few paths of escape.

What is a Theological Cult?

What is a Theological Cult?

  Let us define “theological”.
Theo = religion based.
Logical = Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Therefore: theological would be religion based reasoning

Let us define ”cult”.
It is an egalitarian exclusionary organization which seeks to control its members in all aspects of their lives. The word is a derivative of the word culture which indicates a specific group. If you take the letters ure off the word culture what you have left is cult.
An additional definition is any group which has a pyramid type authoritarian ecclesiasticl leadership structure with all teaching and guidance coming from the person or persons at the top. The group will claim to be the only way to God; Nirvana; Paradise; Ultimate Reality; Full Potential, Way to Happiness etc, and will use thought reform or mind control techniques to gain control and keep their members.
Therefore a theological cult would be a religion based egalitarian exclusionary organization.

This definition covers cults within all major world religions, along with those cults which have no OBVIOUS religious base such as commercial, educational and psychological cults. Others may define these a little differently, but this is the simplest to work from.
In order to gain control over your mind the cult must reform your thinking to fit it’s own pattern for control
Let us look at the word reform. Re= do it over. Form= to shape something. So to reform would be to shape something in a different manner.
A cult is an intellectual and emotional prison from which there are few paths of escape.